HARAMBEE THEME SONG *Available on iTunes Soon*
A song written by Ndidi Cascade & the Harambee youth in celebration of the 20 year anniversary of the Harambee Society!
Featuring: Aisha McCarnan, Emily Brynjolfson, Amy McNaughton, Tianna Beugelink, Ayrian Bennik, Sahai Streifel, Mekfira Livingstone, Danielle Moran, Emma Elliott, Zara Bell, Makena, Yelissa Beugelink, Kalkidan Livingstone, Tenesae Bennik, George Moran & Daniel Coyne
Harambee Song & Documentary Film Production Team:
Cassandra "Ndidi Cascade" Onyejikwe--Creator/Project Manager/Facilitator/Song Editor (Vancouver)
Dan "Vago" Orellana--Music Composer (Vancouver) www.vanguardsmusic.blogspot.ca
Justin Hicks-Recording/Mixing/Mastering/Sound Engineering (Vancouver) www.infinite-audio.com
Talitha Cummins--Video Creation/Editing (Vancouver) www.talithacummins.com
Louise Uwacu--Video Recording/Photography (Vancouver) www.uwacumedia.com
Ryan Zeleznik--Music Recording Engineer (Kelowna) www.meteorrecording.com
Jason Woodford--Video Recording (Kelowna) www.crosswoodproductions.com
Trevor "Archivist" Venos--Video Recording/Photography (Vancouver) www.checkthearchives.com
Roger Esau--Video Recording/Photography
And a special thanks to Pam Patterson (Kelowna) and Roger Esau (Vancouver) for sharing your space with us, and Lisa Soro for your organizational help!